ImageJ as a Coral Monitoring Tool

ImageJ is a free, public domain software with the purpose of processing and analyzing scientific images. Initially developed in 1997 at the National Insititutes of Health in the United States by a developer named Wayne Rasband, it has been under continuous development ever since. Many iterations and variants of the software exist and it can […]

Whale Conservationist

This course is designed to give both whale enthusiasts and conservationists the platform to learn about whale ecology, execute photo-ID research, collate and manage data, understand other research methods and develop the skills to work in a busy whale watching and research station. By increasing awareness and involvement, we can decrease our impact on the […]

Marine Ecology & Monitoring

The Marine Ecology & Monitoring course is a partial fulfilment of the full Ecological Monitoring Program (EMP), for those students with either time constraints, those who want to test first whether they have the diving skills required in order to partake in underwater monitoring water or simply those wishing to get a taste of scientific […]

Coral Predators Monitoring & Management

This course is designed to give experienced divers a deeper understanding of coral reefs, and the potential impacts they face from the many coral predators which live amongst them. The follows lessons will introduce you the theory and practical considerations of monitoring and managing coral predators, while providing divers with the techniques needed to track […]

Giant Clams Population Monitoring and Management

This course is designed to give experienced divers a deeper understanding of coral reefs, and the important roles which giant clams play within them.   Through this part of this academic portion of the course, you will learn the theory and practical considerations of monitoring and restoring giant clam populations where necessary. After completing this […]

Coral Diseases & Compromised Health Monitoring

This course is designed to give experienced divers a deeper understanding of coral reefs, and the threats they face from the many different diseases they’ve been observed to suffer from. The aim of this e-Learning is to introduce the theory and practical considerations of surveying coral reef sites for disease and health defects. This course […]

Shark Ecology & Population Studies

For millions of years, sharks have reigned supreme as apex predators in our oceans, profoundly influencing the marine ecosystem’s evolutionary trajectory. Their unique adaptations and predatory strategies have solidified their place atop the marine food chain, driving the evolution of countless marine species. However, these majestic creatures now face dire threats, with many species on […]

Seagrass Ecology & Monitoring

Seagrass meadows are vital coastal ecosystems. They act as erosion control, help to regulate the flow of nutrients and sedimentation onto coral reefs and provide habitats and nurseries for many marine organisms. They also form some of the world’s most important carbon sinks. These meadows are declining at an alarming rate, with global estimates observing […]

Seahorse Ecology & Monitoring

Seahorses are one of the most charismatic and easily recognizable fish in the sea. Today there are 46 living species of seahorses that reside in most of the planet’s tropical and temperate waters. While they may not be a keystone species in the same way that corals or sharks are, they are still ecologically important. […]