Identifying corals according to taxonomic descriptions (family, genus, and species) is an important part of any advanced coral reef monitoring program, and is also a requirement for most biological or peer-reviewed research studies. Identifying corals to their taxonomic levels can provide important information such as: Not only is identifying corals important, many students also find […]
This course is designed to give both whale enthusiasts and conservationists the platform to learn about whale ecology, execute photo-ID research, collate and manage data, understand other research methods and develop the skills to work in a busy whale watching and research station. By increasing awareness and involvement, we can decrease our impact on the […]
In an era where all seven species of sea turtles are tragically on the endangered species list – some with populations diminished by an alarming 98% – the call to arms for divers to protect these ocean ambassadors has never been more critical. Divers form a vital global network in preserving these remarkable species, participating […]
The Ecological Monitoring program is designed to give you an introduction to coral reef ecology and how to view the reef scientifically by assessing key biotic and abiotic reef components. The course teaches you how to use real world scientific sampling and reef survey techniques and certifies you to conduct your own surveys and report […]